클리오닉의 특별함
수준높은 수면다원검사

Clionic Annual Check-up

Why annual check-up needed?

As we age year by year, various medical problems arise due to stress, poor diet and lifestyle habits, and genetic changes.
These issues develop gradually, making early detection difficult. The later they are discovered, the more problems they create.

Benefits of annual-check up

Disease prevention
Early detection of diseases
Diagnosis of asymptomatic conditions
Gathering data for health promotion
Improving quality of life by identifying health risk factors

Clionic Check-up Programs

Fasting is needed at least 8 hours before visit
Premium service includes a sleep study, which involves spending a night at the hospital. The blood test will be conducted the following morning, and therefore, fasting is not required prior to your visit.


Height / Weight
Blood Pressure
Visual acuity
Pure tone audiometry
Complete blood count
Comprehensive metabolic panel
Liver function
Lipid profile
Kidney fuction
Heart function
Inflammation marker
Urine analysis
Flow cytometry
ENT comprehensive endoscopy
Nasal / Sinus
Laryngo (Vocal box)
$450.00 607,500 KRW


All Basic Check-up Items Included
Comprehensive audiometry
Pure tone audiometry
Speech audiometry
Impedence / Reflex
Pulmonary function test
Metacholine-induced included
Thyroid function panel
Hepatitis panel
Anemia panel
Tumor markers
CEA (colon cancer)
AFP (Liver cancer)
CA19-9 (Pancreatic cancer)
PSA (Male only, Prostate cancer)
CA125 (Female only, Ovarian cancer)
Essential vitamin panel
Thiamine, Folate, Cobalamin, Vitamin D
$850.00 1,147,500 KRW


All Comprehensive Check-up Items Included
Type I polysomnography (Overnight sleep studies)
Awake 2-channel EEG & HRV test
Autonomic function
Body composition test
Cell Integrity test
Qualitative muti-allergen screening
Obstetric panel
Cancer Risk Screening
DNA analysis
Sleep questionnaires
PSQI for sleep quality
ISI for insomnia
HADS for anxiety and depression
ESS for daytime sleepniess
$2400.00 3,240,000 KRW


For third-party reimbursement through our direct billing service, we work with various insurance companies associated with Clionic Lifecare Clinic. A guarantee of payment document is required, and the patient is responsible for paying any amount exceeding the coverage directly.
If you wish to proceed with the direct billing service, please fill in your information through the link below.
Should you have any inquiries regarding the testing process or other matters, please contact us via WhatsApp or KakaoTalk. You can also make a reservation directly through Calendly.